Re-releases and new colors from LOD
We are pleased to keep the Barzso resin re-releases coming as well as offering some new colors within the plastic offerings.
We have stock of LOD031 (British Firing Line) and LOD038 (Black Watch Highland Grenadiers) available in red. Our shipment of Robin Hood and the Merry Men (LOD006) in tan and the Sheriff's Men (LOD007) in gold are also available in the web store and from dealers worldwide.
Lots of fun releases before the end of the year as well. A partial "coming soon" list includes .... the Rev War calvary, Merry Men and Maid Marian set, new Rogers Rangers, Aztecs, and Greek Gods Athena and Ares.
Are Ares and Athena part of another War at Troy set? Would this mean more Greek and Trojan sculpts? Would this also open the possibility of other Olympians in the future, such as Apollo and Aphrodite? You really caught my attention with that little aside, as everything else in the WaT range is superlative.